3 definitions by OneDelaCruise

The characteristic of a Dilawan (aka Talunan) and Anti-Duterte TROLL in the internet. It's from the Filipino words, TAnga, (Stupid) BObo, (Idiot) gaGO (Asshole) -- which very much suits the quality of the PAID Anti-Government trolls.

They are TAnga for believing the fake news of the Dilawan, BObo for licking the asses of the DILAWAN and its minions even though they are proven hypocrites, and gaGO for following their leaders which 97% of the Filipinos are loathing at them. Proof below:
1. ALL of their senatorial candidates are humiliatingly defeated in the 2019 election.
2. Their rallies are all PALPAK. Even their previous allies and organizers don't bother to attend anymore.. and if by some luck, they find an ally, most of them are commies -- with different agenda of their own, of course.
Brace yourselves the paid TABOGOs (anti-duterte) are composing troll posts in social media, riding every issues to attack the government.

It's pay day tomorrow, expect troll posts in social media.. the TABOGOs are to meet their quota, or they wont receive any payment.
The TABOGOs are the minorities in the Philippines they comprises about 3% of the population.
Dilawan TABOGO's are copycats. They don't have the brain to make a UD definition. Please refer to other entries. lol
by OneDelaCruise April 20, 2021
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A word only Leni Robredo knows.
"I feel so overwhelmed by how unselfless so many people were during the campaign." - Leni R. c. 9/29/2022
by OneDelaCruise October 15, 2022
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A word only VP Leni Robredo knows. Probably referring to her campaign supporters.
"I'm so overwhelmed by how UNSELFLESS so many people were during the campaign."
by OneDelaCruise October 16, 2022
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