255 definitions by OneBadAsp

A annoying mental condition in which a heterosexual man concocts over simplified ideas why women aren’t flocking to him in droves. Typically this male will whine and complain about how women never want to date them because he is “too nice” or that he is average in appearance. He often targets a woman who is already in a relationship; misrepresenting his intentions of wanting to be her friend and having the expectation that he is owed more than friendship because he is such a good listener. He is prone to brooding over this and passive aggressive behavior.

He is too stupid to realize the reason women don’t find him attractive is because he feels sorry for himself, he concludes that women like to be treated like shit.
Nice Guy Syndrome is one reason why I don't try to make friends with heterosexual men.

Men who suffer from NGS vary from the angst filled teenager with no date on friday night to the 49 year old man who has never been married or had a meaningful relationship with a woman.
by OneBadAsp October 30, 2006
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1. A term in Asatru. "Seeress". Whether a practitioner of Galdr or Seid, this term designates a female diviner.

2. A character in Stargate SG-1. Vala Mal Doran is a theif, con-artist and recently a memeber of SG-1. She is played by Claudia Black.
1. Raven is a vala, she practices seid.

2. Vala gave birth to Adria who is an Ori in the flesh and is hellbent on converting everyone over to Origin (or killing them).
by OneBadAsp October 20, 2006
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Creating sculptures out of living trees by encouraging them to grow in certain ways that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
I have seen some beautiful examples of arborsculpture.
by OneBadAsp October 28, 2006
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Plutocracy is the rule by the super-rich international capitalists and their retainers; the press, office holders, spies and thugs. In a plutocracy the middle class is controlled though taxation, low-cost imports (free trade) and corrupt politicians and in a communist system the middle class is exterminated. The perfect plutocracy consists of two classes only—the plutocrats and their overseers and the subsistence-level poor. The degree of economic inequality is staggering as is the low level of social mobility.
Although the word plutocracy has disappeared from some modern dictionaries, as if it no longer exists, it is in fact the only name to correctly describe many modern governments.
by OneBadAsp October 23, 2006
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Without fail; certainly. Another way of saying go right ahead.
by OneBadAsp November 3, 2006
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The quantum theory which states that all possible quantum universes can exist simultaneuously. It solves the Schrodinger cat problem by stating that the universe splits at each quantum junture, and hence the cat is alive in one universe and dead in another.

In other words, everything that can happen, does happen (just in seperate worlds). Every possibility plays itself out in one universe or another.
Recently, an increasing number of physicists have voiced their support for the Many Worlds Theory.
by OneBadAsp October 21, 2006
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