8 definitions by One off handle

The place in which food goes in and words come in. Also perfect for a t bone steak but don't get it confused with " t-zone".
Guy 1:"Hold that steak in your Teeth-zone"
Guy 2 :"Got it, my t-zone"
Guy 1: "No, Teeth-zone!"
by One off handle August 1, 2021
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The face hole. Specifically with teeth.
"Hey, put that t-bone steak in your Teeth-zone but don't get it confused with your t-zone"
by One off handle July 27, 2021
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When you get up in the morning and your eyes are crusted shut and you know you should not go on your phone but you do it anyway.
Dude, why are you muffing at 6:00 clock in the morning.
by One off handle June 9, 2020
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A fictional character by Micheal Rosen featured in one of his poem video
"Have you seen Harrybo's grandfather?" "No because he's dead remember?" "Oh yeah"
by One off handle September 25, 2020
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The type of person who think California is so cool that he spent his entire life traveling to different places in California.
Hey that dude said he recently went to Merced and Modesto on his latest trip! Now all he needs to travel to Livermore and Hayward and he will have been to every city in California.

Guy 2: Man, he must be a real CA traveler
by One off handle September 22, 2021
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When a person goes through a long period of not dating and the "Slump Buster" is the one who breaks the "slump".
Guy 1: That woman over there looks lonely.
Guy 2: Well, not anymore because I'm the slump buster!
by One off handle January 28, 2022
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