5 definitions by Omniv0r

BCE: Before Common Era
1. Replaces AD and used to measure time and refer to history without involving or referring to Christianity. Used to minimize bias by describing history as global and universal, instead of in terms of one localized myth, and to preserve freedom of speech.
2. Describes the world and its past in such a way to be unintelligible to Christian fascists and other members of the extreme right, thus either not attracting them, or reminding them to stay in their lane and keep their magical thinking to themselves. Makes them concentrate on their narrative and how insulted they are, instead of something more destructive.
Don't use AD, it attracts the wrong attention. If you want mostly intelligent discussion about this fact, and knowledge about it to survive into the 22 century, use BCE.

Bruh, why would you use AD to describe an event that happened outside of the extreme west of Asia more than 3000 years ago? Like, Creationism precludes it even happened? Fuck that shit, bro, use BCE!
by Omniv0r March 10, 2022
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'I will shit your pants', or variantly, 'I will piss your pants' is generalized, undefined threat, and is used in conversation.
If you tell me the earth is flat one more time, I will shit your pants.
by Omniv0r March 10, 2022
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A phrase only used by Christians to people, generally other Christians, experiencing hardship. A statement implying action and assistance when in fact none will be forthcoming in any meaningful way. Represents vague promise to intercede with a magical being on the recipient's behalf. Used most often to end a conversation by the person saying it. Often ridiculed in social media as nonsense and hypocrisy, and misspoken as 'Thots and pears'.
I don't want to say 'you should have had your whole family vaccinated' at the funeral. I'll say 'thoughts and prayers' and then talk about the weather.
by Omniv0r March 10, 2022
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A phrase typically, but not always, used in conversation; can also be used in response to a fact, or its opposite, in media; the appropriate response to any sentence including any variation of the descriptor 'bullshit', when the word 'shit' is being used as a verb, and the preceding perceived assertion or premise reflects a known truth or fact. Also used as its reverse as a prank, to generate belief in something patently false and normally unbelievable.
You: Idaho is a state in the USA? You're shitting me!

Them: I shit you not! It's a state!

You: I thought it was an invention of the corn industry.

Them: You're shitting me.

You: I shit you not! ... yeah, I'm shitting you, you numbfuck.
by Omniv0r March 10, 2022
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A delusional magical thinker and victim of the paternalistic death cult known as Christianity, which is a belief system historically used to justify social division, economic domination, torture, and murder, and continues to have a major negative impact globally; numerous prominent Christians are politically aligned to the extreme right, to the point of fascism. Christians use magical thinking to justify and normalize numerous anti-social behaviors, some of which are racism, sexism, and homopobia, and to excuse personal participation in what they call 'sin'. Christians often deny reality and are anti-science, believing such things like the world was created 3000 years ago, or that the world is flat. Christians are judgemental and antagonistic, often referring to themselves as 'warriors' or 'armed with the word of God', and seek to overcome opposition by force. On the internet, they invade and swarm social media sites, harass online content creators, and attempt to dominate by being overly vocal.
Fundamental Christians found my blog. I have to change my email.

My childhood was abusive; my parents were fundamentalist Christians.

Christians used to burn people alive. They still burn books.
by Omniv0r March 10, 2022
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