1 definition by Okwin

CDD is an acronym for the disease, Compulsive Dabbing Disorder. CDD is a rare disease where the infected person dabs an overwhelming amount per day. A person with CDD will dab anywhere upwards of 60 dabs a day. CDD is a highly infectious disease and is almost impossible to cure. If you realize you have contracted this fatal disease, report to the nearest hospital to seek immediate help. If you wait too long you will stay in the dabbing position for the rest of your life, unable to: eat, sleep, and perform any basic tasks or basic motor skills. This disease is highly fatal and should be reported immediatley.
Daniel: Dood James contracted CDD from Sydney.
Zack: Did James go to a hospital? is he okay?
Daniel: James will be fine, but it's to late for Sydney
by Okwin July 25, 2017
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