1 definition by OkayHolaAmigos

An Ines is an extremely smart, intelligent, confident, sweet and caring person.

She's super pretty and her style is always on fleek.

She could easily get good grades without putting a lot of effort in it.

An Ines could easily watch an entire show in one week, she's a binge watcher.

People like her are always eating, wether they are hungry or just bored they always end up eating.

Dinner and Lunchdates with friends belong to the daily routine.

Everybody loves her.

She speaks fluent sarcasm and likes making fun of other people. But always in a sweet way.
Person 1:"You look like an idiot hooker"
Person 2."Stop it!"
Person 1:"Aww, I was just being an Ines

Person 1: "Wow you look so good tonight, in fact everyday"
Person2: "Thanks, I'm Ines"
by OkayHolaAmigos January 23, 2017
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