1 definition by Ofcoursenotagoblinthymewdym

Thyme is a evil goblin that lives deep in the woods with mushrooms as their only friend. They like moss, mushooms, bones, bones, a little more bones, moss, mushrooms, sprinkle a little more mushrooms, and herbs.

They are often short and ill tempered, kinda like dwarf. If you are a homophobe, transphobe, racist or anything liketh, be ready because they will make sure all hell breaks lose and torture you slowly you piece of shit. : )
Example one:
Albin: Hey Tuva, whats that thing in the forest?
Tuva: Oh, it's just a thyme, dont be a dick and you will be fine asshole.

Example 2:
Enkhjin: Is that a living flipping mushroom?
Ella: Oh no, either you are delusional or its a thyme. could be a combination not gonna lie.
by Ofcoursenotagoblinthymewdym March 24, 2021
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