8 definitions by NyloxGYTLOL

A person who writes cypeitkcjoennir is a person who just searches random stuff in this dictionary hoping to find something,or a person that is EXTREMLY random.
Wow,That person is Extremly cypeitkcjoennir!
by NyloxGYTLOL June 13, 2021
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A Person who types cvqewfcrevrtunyu is a person who searches this dictionary just to find random stuff,and also a person who is bored to death.
LOL that person is cvqewfcrevrtntunyu random.
by NyloxGYTLOL June 13, 2021
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One who drives or uses a cart a teamster a carter.
by NyloxGYTLOL June 13, 2021
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a person of strong liberal convictions who reacts predictably and emotionally to certain events.
Did you see how he reacted?He must be a knee jerk liberal.
by NyloxGYTLOL June 13, 2021
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bro u good? Cause your levels of boredom bro, there really high to be doing this kind of pattern.
Bored Person 1: Bro, I've tried everything even aqxsdevfgtnhjukop, pokujhntgtfvedsxqa, asdfghjklqwerrtyyuuiopzxccvvbnm, qwertyuiopasdfghjkklzxcvbnm, mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq, aqswdefrgthyjukilop, zaxscdvfbgnhmjkl, zqxwcevrbtnymukilop, zxcvbnm, asdfghjkl, qwertyuiop, zsefvgyj,lp-, 1234455667788990qwerrtyuuiooppasddfgghjkl;'zxcvvbnmm,./, z1x2c3v4b5n6m7k8l9p0, a1s2d3f4g5h6j7k8l9p0, q1w2e3r4t5y6u7i8o9p0, zqsevrgynujimikolp, zaqxswcdevfrbgtnhymjukiolp, mlpnkobjivhuvgucfyxdtzsraesqw, bro WHY, IVE ONLY APENT AROUND 10 MIN!

Bored person 2: bro just search up zqscefbthmuklop.

Bored Person 1: OMG OMG OMG THX
by NyloxGYTLOL December 16, 2021
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used as a friendly greeting or to attract attention.Synonms include:hola, hello, howdy, greetings, cheerio, whats crack-a-lackin, yo, how do you do, good morrow, guten tag, bonjour, good day, top o the morning, sup, hey, heyyyyy, aloha, hi-ya, whats happening, howdy-do, salutations, good morning, g'day, ciao, salute, hallo, what's the dizzle, shalom, whats poppin, long time no see, hi there, rise and shine, good to see ya, whats in the bag, whats the dilly, namaste, hows ur dog, ello ello, holla, howzit, heya, whoopee, cuckoo, whats up homegirl, hey home slice, wassup bro, look what the cat dragged in, nice to meet you, wotcha, gidday, hows it hangin, how ya goin, wassap, hey sisters, whats cooking, hi goose, wats shaking, well hellooo, huh, yoo-hoo, whats going down, how are things, hows life, its a pleasure to meet you, whats the scene, what it be, whats the haps, whats the rumpus, allo, ahoy, egad, hurrah, ouch, yeet, look who it is, whats a-ringin, alright me babber, bonsoir, cooee, what it is, whats clickin, ahem, *cough cough*, um, amen, regards, compliments, wotcher, blimey, haiii, whats the dillio, mwah, hug?, What's occurring, heaven-o, wassuuuuuuuuuup, well met, ay up me duck, ayo, peace, bloody hell, hows everything, konichiwa, whats up doc,
Hi bro,How it doing?You ready for the grade finale White vs. Blue?
Ya bro totally!
by NyloxGYTLOL June 14, 2021
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