1 definition by NxTGaming

An Xbot is someone who defends the Xbox brand based on actual facts presented to the discussion. Most "xbots" are usually fans of the Xbox gaming system. Xbot is only a term used by a "sony pony" (see urban dictionary for a indef detail of a sony pony) because they refuse to accept anyone defending Xbox. There are various unbiased people (usually YouTubers or some various gaming journalists) that only report on news. If the news is positive for Xbox in anyway, then Sony fans will usually call them "xbot". Being called an Xbot is not a negative thing. If you're called an Xbot, it means you've presented something factual and a Sony fan is upset that you gave Xbox a positive light.

"Microsoft has just announced more AAA games to be shown exclusively on Xbox at E3". "STFU XBOX SUCKS YOU STUPID XBOT!"
by NxTGaming December 14, 2014
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