16 definitions by Ninja337

A term used to describe a Denial of Service caused by a story being featured on the front page of the popular user driven news site Digg.
Woah, only Dugg only 50 times and the page is already down. The Digg effect at work!

by Ninja337 August 22, 2006
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The Wapanese are an ethnic minority scattered throughout parts of Western Europe and the United States of Canada. The Wapanese, or "MaSsIvE oTaKu ^_^" as they sometimes refer to themselves, are an ethnic minority, but usually emerge from rich white families that originate from Western Europe. These Wapanese reject their race and common sense by deciding they will become Japanese. These Wapanese people spend thousands of dollars buying cheap garbage from Japan and spend most of their time watching anime.

The Wapanese, throughout their 3 years of existance, have been persecuted. Unlike other persecuted minorities, nobody missed them.
Regard the Wapanese female over yonder. She is overweight and drooling over some yaoi animu buttsecks.
by Ninja337 January 3, 2007
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