1 definition by Neo-Mag

A Trinitie not quite like another. No better nor worse, yet unique and softly charming in many 'dorable ways.

A Trinitie A. recognizes who and what she is. And Works tirelessly to better that and those around her. Equally equipped with a soft smoothing voice and a stern, unabashed tone. She speaks from a place of feathery fierceness.

She is of course alluring to most all men. All eyes on her. Yet can one blame another for their eyes being starlit and drawn to beauty's gaze as it presents itself?

A Trinitie A. Is somebody you can count on to pick you up when your feeling down. And hold you in a warm and gentle embrace on all occasions. She is to be adored and respected.

Comforted and cheered on as she works the magic that encompasses her eternal and magnificent being.
by Neo-Mag November 2, 2021
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