4 definitions by Narby Whistleteeth

The term is a derivative of "narb" which stands for a "No Apparent Reason Boner". A narby is typically one who is acting like a mook or turbo; a douchebag.
"That guido over there has a lot of gel in his hair and is wearing an extremely tight black shirt. What an absolute narby."
"Yes, that B&T mook needs to take himself back to Strong Island and drink a large bleach smoothie on the way."
by Narby Whistleteeth May 19, 2007
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A lip-full of Skoal.
"Bro, toss me that tin so I can throw in a lapperty."
by Narby Whistleteeth May 19, 2007
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A term for a beer, typically used in fratastic situations.
Bro, if I get a few more froth wagons in that chick, she's definitey going on a one way trip to Poundtown.
by Narby Whistleteeth May 18, 2007
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Bro, I've been waiting in this line for an hour and I really need to take a visselman.
by Narby Whistleteeth May 19, 2007
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