1 definition by NapoleonBonrhrd


The act of
(A) Obtaining a pumpkin
(B) Drilling multiple holes into the pumpkin (of various size) - perhaps carving them out
(C) Heating the pumpkin (via microwave or oven)
and then
(D) Having a large group of men attempt to patch the holes of the pumpkin with their respective penises.

Alas: A pumpkin patch.


- A gathering of males attempting to patch the holes of a carved pumpkin with their penises.
- A group of scrubs

Martin: "Yo kewlkid987 - spawn camping is prohibited on this server."
Steve: "What is this, a pumpkin patch server?"


Bill: "Hey Joe, how did you like the midnight release of the new Call of Duty?"
Joe: "At first it had some perks, but it ended up becoming the usual pumpkin patch like every other one of these midnight releases."
by NapoleonBonrhrd November 10, 2013
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