1 definition by Napalm_Panda

The Foof is the isolated patch of chest hair that exists only over the sternum, which is the center of the chest and generally above nipple elevation. It is distinct from a Full Tom Selleck, which is a broad, chest-sweeping man rug. Foofs are often formed on adolescent young men who are on their way to developing a Full Tom Selleck, or else on men with deficient levels of testosterone.

The FSNA, or Foof Society of North America, has in recent years stressed that a true Foof is limited to chest hair grown solely within a few inches out from the centre of the chest, and is not a light spritzing of chest hair that spans the entire breastices of a man. While Foof scholars have largely come out in support of this view, the issue remains unresolved to this day.
"Dude, your foof is poking out through your shirt."
by Napalm_Panda February 19, 2015
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