12 definitions by NICK B

Someone who talks with a mumble but you can't understand them, they talk to lightly(SOFTLY)therefore making them bumbling, or further more a rookie installer at Mickey shorr Troy.
HE was bumbling again! GOD!! Does anybody speak bumble?
by NICK B October 7, 2004
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yount when he drinks like a fish. thus is the reason he rides around on his pimp ass marin 18 speed two tone lady catcher.
When yount drinks he turns into YOUNTAFISH the superhero with extra special powers including, beer goggles, pimp like game, picking up on only the taken woman, and an extra large mouth with the same size body. Ooooo that cant be good, can it? -watch out yountafish that guy is gonna beat your ass-
by NICK B October 9, 2004
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like when a small child doesnt get what he wants....except a full grown man. When your bottom lip folds over simular to the puppy dog face except not as convincing. Much more pathetic.
"hey can you install this radio into a bmw?" -response- "I dont want to do that for nothing" -followed by- booboolip
by NICK B October 8, 2004
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you got windshield washer fluid in my fucking eye!! followed by-booboolip
by NICK B October 11, 2004
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Like Monet's paintings...Looks good from afar - but far from good close up
"See that girl over there - she's a right Monet"
by NICK B March 7, 2003
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