2 definitions by NAFC

Turning your sexual fanrtasies into a popular Italien side dish.
Hey Martha, pass me the spaghetti.
by NAFC December 14, 2004
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A.K.A Cornography

The obsession of a man and his festish with corn. He is usually a farmer and enjoys looking at corn. He/she takes many pictures of this corn and is also a corn rights activist. He is usually a psycopath and got dumped after being found having an affair with the corn. He gets a kick out of watching cornboy channels and the corn show.
1. Dont you touch mah corno sucka

2. That corno is soooo sexy

2. And the winner of the father son picnic is: Peter Griffin and a stalk of corn. (geeze what a corno)
by NAFC December 14, 2004
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