3 definitions by N8twon Da Cheph

The act of taking a pee on someone.
look guys, I just took a Kells on that 8 year old. Quick, someone grab their camera phone.
by N8twon Da Cheph February 15, 2007
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short for "always", but not usually used unless in north-west West Virginia.
you are oys going to the bathroom mom, you need a piss bag.
by N8twon Da Cheph February 15, 2007
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Pronounced as No-ma-say-in (know what I'm saying), in a real high pitched voice is equal to but not greaer than saying dude or man at the end of the sentance.
Look at that rack, nomasaying (like a Timberlake high note high)
by N8twon Da Cheph February 15, 2007
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