2 definitions by Mysstress

"muppet" is used as a mild insult "you muppet" when someone has done something comically stupid and unbelievable. Teamed with "pissmoppery", "pissmuppetry" is the result a very funny and unbeleivable act of stupidity, pointelss behaviour, with the addition of a huge dose of comedy for the people watching
by Mysstress January 19, 2007
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A mild term of insult for an act perpitrated by anyone showing disorganised, usless and pointless behaviour.
"I've never known/seen such pissmoppery"
Usually, the behaviour is unexplainably annoying and over complex when something basic and simple would have been OK
Usually applies to meaningless bureacracy, pointless behaviour of very drunk people, or shambolic sexual experiences etc
by Mysstress January 19, 2007
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