20 definitions by Mrbobpants

One of the worst things man has created
You are not safe from it
by Mrbobpants July 19, 2022
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Any liquid you keep safe, just as a good luck charm
I think I’m gonna ace this test, I brought my lucky liquid
by Mrbobpants April 3, 2022
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An absolute fucking shit show
Why the fuck is it spelled phlegm, that makes no god dam sence
English is like if you stuck 100 blood sucking termites into a pot of piss and dead rats, and then let it sit under a porch, before shaping it to North Korea whitest labeled as “cow shit
by Mrbobpants July 19, 2022
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The sound it makes when I push someone into the trains path
Pfffft there they go
by Mrbobpants July 19, 2022
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