2 definitions by MrWallGlitcher

Elias is a strong, shy, handsome, savage and a kind person.
by MrWallGlitcher December 11, 2017
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Antoine like things to be just perfect in every way. In most cases this is great. Antoine is a hard worker, a great friend, and an attentive partner. Antoine will spend any amount of time to get things up to your standard. But if you’re not careful, he can verge into controlling and impossible, becoming hung up on small details and missing the big picture.
When things are important, make sure you take a look at the bigger picture and focus on what’s really important, or Antoine's insistence on getting it “right” might destroy him.
Antoine: french name
also used as Anthony (english) or Antonio (spanish)
by MrWallGlitcher January 11, 2018
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