2 definitions by MrCheaterson

Used to desribe anyone of Black descent who acts or thinks they are Jamaican.
Check out tose yoms over there trying to play it off like they are jamaican
by MrCheaterson August 3, 2004
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A well known "ENTREPRENEUR" So he says. Has an afinity for mandelay and roommates who drink themselves to sleep on boxed wine. Prefers that said roommate falls to sleep laying on his stomach so that he may rub one out, so to speak. A republican and conservative but it is widely believed that this is a ruse to cover up his self loathing homosexuality. Believes that A degree from Montclair State is akin to a degree from a much higher ranked institution such as Harvard, yale etc...
Commonly sighted with mouth firmly around the penis of republican politicians and sleepy roommates.
Dude stop acting like a schmuck you wreak of peteczech.
by MrCheaterson September 20, 2004
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