2 definitions by Mr.brightsidesGirlfriend2002

A socially rejected sociopath. Too good for this world…although if you ever meet her don’t lose her. She is the ultimate side character. This fiery airhead always has a reason for everything she does so if you do find her jealous of someone else it may be do to the fact that she was just hurt in the past. She hides her pain behind a mask, so be cautious not to push her or she may snap. This girl has slight detachment issues so be careful if she’s acting slightly off from her usual self. She does whatever she wants when she wants, and secretly wants to make others happy. You’d most likely find her drunk in the middle of a desert with a smile on her face!! She doesn’t have a filter. She may be short but she could probably knock you out, it depends. Smells like a French whore. Looks very sexy but she’s a midget. Most importantly she likes OLDER GUYS. Finono is an alien and has been to Area 51….be aware of her.
“Why is there a girl with a machete in her hands standing on top of McDonald’s??? Wtf…must be Finono I bet.”

“Omg someone pulled the fire alarm! Was it that girl again that got in trouble last month? She’s always pulling a fino-no.”
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A socially rejected sociopath. Too good for this world…although if you ever meet her don’t lose her. She is the ultimate side character. This fiery airhead always has a reason for everything she does so if you do find her jealous of someone else it may be do to the fact that she was just hurt in the past. She hides her pain behind a mask, so be cautious not to push her or she may snap. This girl has slight detachment issues so be careful if she’s acting slightly off from her usual self. She does whatever she wants when she wants, and secretly wants to make others happy. You’d most likely find her drunk in the middle of a desert with a smile on her face!! She doesn’t have a filter. She may be short but she could probably knock you out, it depends. Smells like a French whore. Looks very sexy but she’s a midget. Most importantly she likes OLDER GUYS. Finono is an alien and has been to Area 51….be aware of her.
“Why is there a girl with a machete in her hands standing on top of McDonalds…must be Finono!!!”

“Omg who pulled the fire alarm?? It must be that girl who got in trouble a couple weeks ago, always pulling a fino-no.”
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