3 definitions by Mr.Neverdie

Prū - kull
Singular (basically impossible) Prookle
Wordplay combination of prongs + nookles (noodle tentacles)

Similar to spikes but harmless

Often made of soft plastic or silicone/rubber

Seen on some head massagers and those fuzzy balls you get at arcades.
A dog's caption to head massagers:

"Wtf??? So many prookles"
by Mr.Neverdie May 31, 2019
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When you put on too much deodorant and clumps of it get stuck in your pit hair.
Oh sorry, I just pulled out some pit shits.
by Mr.Neverdie December 23, 2017
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When you see something so damn huge, it's all you can think to say
Guy 1: Man, why can't we ever kill the tank

Guy 2: DUDE, he's one big muthafuck
by Mr.Neverdie April 30, 2016
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