56 definitions by Mr.Juan-derful

The 44th president of the United States, born in Hawaii to a white mother from Kansas and a black father from Kenya, which technically makes him biracial but according to the one drop rule it would be appropriate to call him the first black president
Obama campaigned on change, reforming healthcare and getting our troops out of Iraq, so far he has mostly kept his promises.
by Mr.Juan-derful September 15, 2010
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America's number one rated morning radio show
The Bob and Tom Show is the funniest thing on the radio and Kristi Lee even makes the news entertaining.
by Mr.Juan-derful January 9, 2010
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When someone in the ruling class has everything they need and is oblivious to the fact that many of the common people are suffering from a lack of basic necessities

When Marie Antoinette was told that the peasants were starving and didn't even have bread she responded "Let them Eat Cake!"
John Boehner and Mitch McConnell represent classic cases of Marie Antoinette Syndrome, their Congressional Health Care plans provide them with the best Health Care in the world, but they have fought against making health care available to the masses, appearantly unconcerned that thousands of Americans die every year because they can't afford basic health care.
by Mr.Juan-derful August 7, 2010
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Something Freddie said once on Scooby-Doo, who knows what it means but it sure sounds cool
I put a lift kit and some 33" tires on my mall crawler and raised it high as Christmas goose.

My friend Jose brought over some killer weed last night and we both got high as a Christmas goose.
by Mr.Juan-derful January 1, 2010
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food that is easy to eat while driving, such as a burger
I'm hungry so before I hit the road I'm going to pull into this drive-thru and grab some highway food.
by Mr.Juan-derful July 4, 2010
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anyone who is intelligent enough to realize that the official government account of the 9/11 attacks are not supported by the physical evidence and want to know the real truth about what happened
Here are just a few facts that 9/11 truthers want explained:
In 1945 during a heavy fog a B-52 bomber accidently hit the Empire State building, sustaining minor damage but was repaired and is still standing today, because of this incident modern skyscrapers are specifically designed to withstand an impact from a jumbo jet.
In 1993 terrorists ignited a truck bomb beneath the twin towers after that incident the towers were regularly inspected with bomb sniffing dogs, these inspections stopped just months before 9/11 Marvin Bush was in charge of security at the World Trade Center.
In 1998 the Project for the new American Century or PNAC stated their goal of invading Iraq and overthrowing Saddam Hussein, but said they would need a "Pearl Harbor" to sell this idea to public, key PNAC members became part of the Bush Administration.
The towers did not collapse from the initial impact, many people were safely evacuated and the towers collapsed some time later. The government claims burning jet fuel softened the steel support beams causing the collapse. Jet fuel burns at a maximum temperature of 1500 degrees, the steel would have to reach 2000 degrees before it even began to soften, steel melts at 3000 degrees.
If the steel beams did get hot enough to soften, the towers should have tipped toward the point of impact, but instead the towers collapsed straight down like when explosives are used for a controlled demolision.
by Mr.Juan-derful May 30, 2010
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Politicians such as Reagan, Bush41,Bush43,Ashcroft etc. seem to think the U.S. Constitution is just Republican toilet paper. They have used the war on drugs and the war on terror as an excuse to take away basic basic constitutional rights. Some examples include the Patriot Act, warrantless wire taps, property seizures etc.
by Mr.Juan-derful August 28, 2010
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