21 definitions by Mr. Wordington the Tenth

The largest city in New Mexico, part of the Bernalillo County! Bugs Bunny and Peter Griffin still need to figure out how to take the right turns there.
Peter Griffin: Gee, must have taken a wrong turn in Albuquerque! Ahahahahahahaha!
by Mr. Wordington the Tenth November 4, 2018
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That famous laugh that Mickey Mouse would always utter.
Mickey Mouse: Hot dog! Today's an amazing day! Ha, ha!
Donald Duck: Ah, phooey! You again? Quack!
by Mr. Wordington the Tenth October 25, 2018
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One of the scariest books of all time, the Garlipedia is a book of dark magic that once you open it, thinking it would be about garlic, actually shows you all the dark, mysterious, horrifying, biased information about your stepfather and his stepfatherly love. Its mortal enemy is the Encyclopedia of Stepfatherhood, which is actually about garlic itself. Once you open the Garlipedia, you will be cursed for life. I once had a dream about it a few nights ago.
My god...I just read the Garlipedia...now I am scarred for life. ;n;
by Mr. Wordington the Tenth October 31, 2018
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A bumbling goofball pretending to be the famous webslinger Spider-Man. They may attempt all they want, but they might fail.
Charlie: Look up in the sky! It's Spider-Man!
Some random guy in a Spider-Man costume: *Swings by* Hey, guys! *Crashes* Ouch! That hurt!
Charlie: Crap...more like Spooderman. :(
by Mr. Wordington the Tenth November 3, 2018
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Oh, he's just an elder man who sometimes pops up in my definitions. For example, he appeared in my definition for smard. Mr. Wordington out!
Old Man Ulysses: You whippersnappers ought to remember that you must stay away from burn book styled definitions and sexual phrases, y'hear!
by Mr. Wordington the Tenth October 31, 2018
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A portmanteau of "smart" and "hard", it is a term used to describe how to work on your pile of homework or something related to work, with better ways to do so, such as on your personal computer! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to work on my homework, and so should you!
Old Man Ulysses: They say "work smarter, not harder", but I say "work smarder"!
Chad: Well said, dawg.
Charlie: Yeah, what he said! :D
by Mr. Wordington the Tenth October 20, 2018
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1. The code word for programming that is used by elite (usually independent) game developers.
2. See Minecraft.
3. One of the cute words Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh mumble in their sleep.
1. Alright, got my Starbucks, and now I'll do some graphic design...and some covfefe.
2. No, Inspector Gadget and Matei! It's not Mineycrafta, Minecraft, or Minecrap! It's Covfefe!
3. Donald: Zzzzzzz-ah...covfefe..zzzzzzzzz...
by Mr. Wordington the Tenth November 17, 2018
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