2 definitions by Mr. Lexicon

noun or adjective
1. a name for a person who often compulsively lies, deletes emails, wears creepy ass smiles, or does all of the above.

2. a word used to describe something scary and good at being scary. Usually modified with the "esque" suffix.
1. "Ugh, that presidential candidate was such a Hilliary. I'm glad she didn't win."

2. "Look at that creepy clown with its Hilliaryesque smile."
by Mr. Lexicon December 5, 2016
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in-truh-spek-shuh n
observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.

2.the tendency or disposition to do this.

3.sympathetic introspection.
The man seemed lost in introspection, as if delivering a soliloquy.
by Mr. Lexicon December 5, 2016
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