2 definitions by Mr. BSB

A furry critter that rolls around and is prone to complaining, chirping, or otherwise making chortle-like noises.
Thali the cat anxiously awaited her master's arrival and as soon as he walked in she began rolling around on the ground and chirping at him. When Master fed her snacks she chortled. When he declined further treats she grumbled is disdain prompting Master to say oh you fuzzgrubly!
by Mr. BSB May 27, 2008
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(noun) Rich, succulent pieces of meat.
Although Jerry correctly preheated his oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit before he popped in his pork loin, Jerry was distracted by Jillian's antics and overcooked the loin. Jerry was unable to provide Jillian with any chucies. Jillian left Jerry with an empty hope of a call at some point.
by Mr. BSB May 3, 2008
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