1 definition by Moose-dog 33

A broad term to describe any person or persons that abuse the function of #2. Most commonly they

A. leave a giant log in the toilet unflushed and festering

"That poop-bandit didn’t even flush!"

B. a person who clogs the toilet and proceeds to leave it unattended and in a potentially overflowing state.

"Hey bro you got a plunger? Some poop-bandit clogged and dipped out"

C. the most offensive and most uncommon, a low-life who leaves poop on the floor, the urinal or any other inappropriate place

"Billy was so drunk I think he laid a log in the parking lot...I saw him pulling up his pants, I always knew deep down he was a poop-bandit.

D. there is a rare case when the poop-bandit is the hero, when the deed is done in defiance or disrespect of an enemy.

Dude 1: "you here what Laura did to Beth?"
Dude 2: "No, what?"
Dude 1: "Laura went gangster on Beth, when she found out that Beth stabbed her in the back. She dropped a duce on her new lawn chair. She snuck in the backyard, pinched it off and booked it, poop-bandit style!"

Dude 2: "that’s hardcore!"
poop-bandit is a new term, it was used in several ways above
by Moose-dog 33 February 4, 2014
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