2 definitions by Mooooodra X Lazeeeeez

Some guy that looks like Post-Malone and is delusional at all times, calls people retarded, and is biologically related to some dumbass who failed all courses possible. Most commonly know as “Sand”.
ShaanKanwal: Yo SAND trynna go to the University of Waterloo?
Sanveer: They don’t offer truck driving courses you dumb shit
by Mooooodra X Lazeeeeez February 14, 2018
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An individual with the societal name “Tanbir”, who goes undercover and decides to go on the physics, chem, basketball, math, English, and Punjabi grind. He puts up numbers all above 90, and studies a calculated average of 8.7 hours a day.
Person1: yo where’s Tanbir—-
Person2: Shhhhhhhh, he’s gone into hiding. He is EXAMBIR now!
by Mooooodra X Lazeeeeez February 14, 2018
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