2 definitions by Mk10drilla

A nickname that can be used for a Somali pirate who eats during ramadan. Note, there can only be one Manahakanas to exist at once, so he must be referred to as ‘the’ Manahakanas.
Kamran: ‘did you see that somali steal my TV?’
Kian: ‘yeah, I also saw him eating a sausage roll during ramadan’
Kamran: ‘wow, he must be the manahakanas
by Mk10drilla November 10, 2020
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When jeff takes owen to the races to have sexual intercourse with the car. This can be done in a variety of ways, including but not limited to penal insertion in the car exhaust, shooting loads on the steering wheel, and giving the handbreak oral.
Owen: Jeez leah that shower was nice. Now Im gonna ask dad if he can take me to the racecourse for a Mclaren Shag
by Mk10drilla October 28, 2019
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