2 definitions by MitchPreme

The act of fabricating a scene in which a murder victim is set-up to appear as though they have committed suicide

At that point- the victim has effectively been "suicided"
The pharmaceutical industry is Suiciding (v.) every holistic doctor that challenges them
by MitchPreme November 22, 2018
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When a person is killed, and made to look as though they took their own life.

In an attempt to rule out foul play;

Killers fabricate a scene in which the victim committed suicide- either by means of hanging, shooting, overdose, etc.

Often- the suicide(s) will occur under very suspicious circumstances, leading some to believe that the "official story" is falsified/bullshit.
Conspiracy Theorist #1: "There's no fucking way Phil Schneider killed himself.."

#2: "The Government obviously suicided him after he exposed those underground military bases.."
by MitchPreme November 22, 2018
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