4 definitions by Mimiko

Food. It's food people. Kickass Mexican food, with a Texas twist. Can be found at places such as El Chico's.

The difference between Tex-Mex and (authentic) Mexican food, is that Tex-Mex has more flavor.
She didn't like the bland enchiladas at Los Rojo's, but the ones at the new Tex-Mex place had a lot of zip.
by Mimiko May 18, 2003
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Guys who like to smell dirty, bacteria infested vagina.
Guy: I love the smell of dirty pussy!! Smells like fresh caught salmon in a fish market!

Other guy: Dude you’re such a salmon sniffer!!
by Mimiko January 2, 2018
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Someone who has immense respect for Asians, and the occasional otaku who worships the ground the walk on. Literally means 'friend of Asians'.
Jasmine gapsed as the Asian boy walked in the door; she was a true Asianophile.
by Mimiko May 18, 2003
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Home to Dr. Pepper, several modern and well respected singers, activists, and the like, Sam Houston, and other great men and women before him, numerous plantlife and animals, and a few horrid idiots who give the rest of us a bad name-ie: George Bush.
by Mimiko May 18, 2003
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