4 definitions by Micho

The most SEXIEST and creative man on the world! He's really a genius and he's the Queen of Japan and Jrock as well! *___*/
girl: I really want to look like Mana!
guy: Me too!
by Micho January 31, 2004
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What the meaning of the word basically means is that the parents where White and Mexican and the offspring is now crossed with both White and Mexican. Hence the names cracker and Beaner.
Are your parents mexican and white? Well then, youre a Beanker.
by Micho February 4, 2004
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Main character in "Stonewall". A film that talks about gay (and expecially) and trans' situation in the '70 (if i'm right)
La Miranda pi pi pi
by Micho January 31, 2004
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