3 definitions by Metal Ed

When followed by "UK", it denotes a hot and cool Metalhead.
See the HardKore UK in the pit during (Iron) Maiden's set?
by Metal Ed May 3, 2004
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Someone who hates the entire nu metal genre. Usually people who think like this are either

1. A Townie
and hate all music that is not 50 cent or Nelly.

2. Little kids
3 Very old
possibly born in the 1950s and can't appreciate that metal is changing just like everything else does over time.
Old man: You stupid kids listening to your nu metal. Why back in my day we had such good bands as The Yardbirds and Muddy waters

KoRn fan: Woah that crap died in the late 80s get with the program

Linkin park fan: What’s up with this guy? It's just music leave us alone.
by Metal Ed October 2, 2004
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contraction from "cock chafer".

A cock chafer is a male who is bad at recieving anal sex, particularly it hurts the giver. Or a male who masturbates too much thus chafing his member.

This insult is used to describe one who is irritating and grating.
Jimmy is such a cock chafer, he comes round all the time.

da_rude was such a chafer, he always posted the most ridiculous shit.
by Metal Ed May 9, 2004
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