4 definitions by Merffles

<adj> describing a situation in which one is caught in a very complicated relationship status mess

<noun> someone (usually a male) who has trouble describing their relationship status
"I have a girlfriend/fiancee/wife person."
"That's such a wasim situation."
"So what is she? Stop being such a wasim!"
by Merffles February 27, 2007
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<adj> describing a situation in which one is caught in a very complicated relationship status mess

<noun> someone (usually a male) who has trouble describing their relationship status

"I have a girlfriend/fiancee/wife person."
"That's such a wasim situation."
"So what is she? Stop being such a wasim!"
by Merffles February 24, 2007
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1. Someone who grew up too fast, thinks maturely but like a bitter old man at the mere age of 15.

2. To have been wei-ed.

3. Someone who promises something, but takes forever to do it just because there is no time limit.
You just got wei-ified.
by Merffles October 8, 2006
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1. Someone who grew up too fast, thinks maturely but like a bitter old man at the mere age of 15.

2. To have been wei-ed.

3. Someone who promises something, but takes forever to do it just because there is no time limit.

4. Someone with a shoe fetish and good family values
You just got Wei-ified.

I am the Wei-ness.
by Merffles October 8, 2006
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