2 definitions by Mental Dissection Association of America

Introduced to the English language as "beaugal", in 1634. Sir Frederick von Stuperheimer, a half German, half British Buddhist, had it officially altered to "bugle" because Parliament took pity on the man since he was legally retarded and presented his "case" to them; it was a soggy notebook filled with moldy cheese and worms.

If it wasn't, perhaps, for Sir Frederick, we'd still be saying beaugal to this very day. Pay homage to this master of the illiterary arts at his grave in the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
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1. A nuclear device sometimes used to annihilate bad people.

2. Bouncy green rubber stuff.

3. Lubrication (of sorts).
1. Fuck, they launched the flubber at us.

2. Let's play with the flubber.

3. Put the flubber there, oh and there too, so I can do it easier.
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