1 definition by Meiny

Moasted (verb):

The act of posting up in a particularly unnatural way, often done subconsciously by certain individuals. It refers to the posture and demeanor of a person standing with their knees locked and lips slightly hanging. Catching someone in this state is commonly referred to as "Moasted."

Moasted is characterized by a relaxed and carefree stance, where one's body appears at ease and devoid of tension. It suggests a state of total relaxation, as if the person is fully absorbed in their thoughts or simply enjoying their surroundings.

Moasting often comes with a unique foot position where the Moasters feet are pointed in opposite directions. This makes the stance particularly difficult to master. The unnatural foot position often makes it hard to balance. If one is referred to as "easy pickins" they are often elite when it comes to being moasted.

Overall, being Moasted captures the essence of being at ease and unconsciously embracing a natural pose. It celebrates the beauty of unguarded moments and highlights the uniqueness of individuals who effortlessly embody a relaxed and carefree demeanor.
Look at James getting ice cream, he's absolutely moasted!
by Meiny June 16, 2023
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