1 definition by Mcertain

Aurelia is a beautiful strong girl who has been through a lot of hurt. She is tall with long brown hair. She is amazingly sexy but she also has boundaries. If you like her respect her she has walls up and the way to get past them is letting her open them up for you. Patience and communication are key. Shes very modest and can sometimes be a little cranky but when she smiles she lights up the room. Her eyes are beautiful and they match the shape of her face. She is very self conscious about her body and nose but she looks perfect always. She loves contact sports. She has a kinda bossy personality but in a good way. She always knows how to party and how to relax. She can be the sexiest and most cuddly girl simultaneously.
"Aurelia is your girlfriend? Wow you're the luckiest person ever."
by Mcertain February 5, 2019
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