3 definitions by MaxFolger

A quaint pastime involving a recreational game (such as Scrabble or air hockey) that is not played with computers.
He: Do you want to play Monopoly?
She: My iPhone battery is dead.
He: No, I mean a physi-game, with a physical board and real paper money.
She: Gee, I've never tried that!

board game scrabble iphone ipod apps
by MaxFolger May 29, 2010
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1. I hear your novel has sold 150,000 copies. I didn't read it, but I bet it's a great example of contemporary illiterature.

2. I'm a Jane Austen fan. I haven't kept up with contemporary illiterature.

3. Dear Sir: Thank you for submitting your very well-written manuscript. Unfortunately, at this time, we are only interested in serious illiterature.

illiterate sass writer's crap literary masturbation
by MaxFolger June 9, 2010
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1. My upstairs neighbor never said two words to me, but now that we're both having kids, she totally wants to be my belly buddy.

2. Look, there's Ruth! I met her in my Lamaze class! Hi, belly buddy!!!!!!

pregnant mother motherhood fake friend preggers fake people
by MaxFolger June 8, 2010
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