3 definitions by Matthew B

To get slapped across the cheeks by a penis till they turn blue.
OMG, his cheecks are blue, he has been 'Smurfed'!
by Matthew B December 5, 2004
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'Moody' - Somthing which you dislike.

Can be used with:

DOUBLE BARE MOODY - (Moody, but doubley)

TRIPLE BARE MOODY - (Moody, but three times more)

QUADRUPLE BARE MOODY - (Moody, etc...)

GERKIN MOODY - (This is five times moody, and can hardly ever be used)

('Bare' meaning, 'lots of')
"Look, there's bare moody spit"
by Matthew B December 5, 2004
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Kind way to say the fairer sex has a big booty.
Those pants make Sally look very aerodynamically curvaceous!
by Matthew B February 23, 2005
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