4 definitions by Matt Holley

(n.) medical term.; derived from Latin "cama" for camel, and "tosio" for vagina. Refers to a woman suffering from camel toe.
In her tights, it was apparent that Lindsay had a mild case of cameltosis.
by Matt Holley November 4, 2003
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(n.) to have an above normal amount of hair on the glutes
My date was so hot, and after I got down her pants, I discovered a tremendous assfro.
by Matt Holley November 4, 2003
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(n.) the stenchy sweat, found beneath the male scrotum
When I removed my boxers, I was appalled by the sweet smell of fromunderbutter!
by Matt Holley November 4, 2003
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(n.) the act of a female giving oral sex to the chodal area of a male, while he is taking a shit
As I finally sat on my throne, Mrs. Smith stopped by for a blumpkin extrodinaire
by Matt Holley November 4, 2003
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