4 definitions by Matija Lazic

Refers to anyone (or anything) that is hopelessly inept at first person shootering games.
Gosh, sam and his friends are real gribblefrax.
by Matija Lazic June 1, 2006
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A bum pirate is one (usually a male) who frequents night clubs and other social hotspots and then, after drugging their victim with rohipnol, proceed to sodomise them; hence, they are "pirating" people's "bums".
It may also refer to anyone preferring to anally rape their victims.
Jeffrey dahmer was a bum pirate of note.
Bum pirates usually go to jail if caught, where they in turn have their bums pirated.
by Matija Lazic May 26, 2006
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Gee whizz Bob, Jim is real germinator; he has 17 kids!
by Matija Lazic June 1, 2006
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Any object which is inserted into the anus.
Fags possess many fart rods among them.
by Matija Lazic June 1, 2006
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