2 definitions by MarkBackers

Acronym short for ‘Woke Except Food and Flying’. Descriptive of lightweight young wokerati primarily living in London and California who pack in the hipster smokehouse meats and high carbon air-miles for the ‘Gram.
Marcus flew home from his Extinction rebellion protest on his dad’s Learjet, what a WEFF!

Jamie was such a WEFF that he demanded another slab of ribs at Bodeans.
by MarkBackers November 2, 2021
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Chronic, debilitating condition suffered exclusively by local authority staff in the UK necessitating long periods of absence from work. There are no known physical symptoms although sufferers may appear to have a sore throat/bad back/upset stomach etc. There is no known cure but the condition will usually resolve itself rapidly at the point the employee has exceeded their entitlement to paid sick leave.
Manager: Where is Mark today? Colleague: Oh he won't be in today, he always suffers from Councilitis on a Monday.
by MarkBackers July 8, 2014
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