2 definitions by Mallard Redgrave

A General Term for a Black mans Large Penis. First Invented on Chonilla.com by Contributor Howard TS II
"dude, why did he have the door locked & sound proofed? was he recording music in his room?" "yeah, he was playing the Skin Bass"
by Mallard Redgrave December 2, 2013
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A Sub-Genre of films which gets its name from Rod of "The Black Guy Who Tips" Podcast. the qualifications needed for a film to be classified are as follows:

1. No Super Hero/Comic Book Movies
2. It must be an action film. No questions asked.

3. The Protagonist CANNOT die in the end. dieing & being revived at any point is allowed.
4. Despite the name, Protagonists in said films do not have to be white or even male. just a human being with a vague set of skills being a badass under situations that would mean death for the average citizen.
"dude, are you watching the ENTIRE Die Hard Series?"

"Impossible White Man movies haven't been the same since the 80s. this franchise proves it"
by Mallard Redgrave May 21, 2014
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