2 definitions by Makoto Nakamura

Tsundere is a Japanese term used to describe a persons personality. A Tsundere is a very cold and rude person when first meet them but slowly warms up to you. Though, a Tsundere doesn't show their affection very often, but you still know that they lobe you no matter what.
Person: Geez, that guy is such a Tsundere
by Makoto Nakamura June 15, 2018
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A girl who is fairly short, but is threatening at first. Once you get to know her she's a huge Tsundere. She is very loving and sensitive, but often hides her sweet side in order to maintain a tough image.
Friend 1: She is such a Grizel
Friend 2: I know but we love her for it
by Makoto Nakamura June 15, 2018
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