10 definitions by Magill

1. bad art- a term coined by author and journalist H.L. Mencken in the early 20th century see Mencken in wikipedia from "Sahara of the Bozart" article. A takeoff of the term Beaux Arts. 2. the backward areas of the south in that time period.
This arts festival is strictly bozart. He was born in the bozart, but moved to the Big Apple.
by Magill March 22, 2008
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1. An alias used for the actor Keanu Reeves by the Golden Raspberry Awards, presenter of the Razzie, in honor of his acting prowess in some of the worst movies ever made. 2. Any actor whose very presence in a movie brings the quality level down. a painfully untalented actor.
I know you love Keanu Reeks, but dude, just why baffles me. The movie went straight to video because the cast was full of Keanu Reeks.
by Magill March 25, 2008
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Noun: 1. Any person who can't pronounce the word nuclear, even though someone must have told him by now that nucular is not a word. 2. Any person whose brain is unconnected to his mouth. 3. One whose speeches or commentary cause people to throw the remote at the TV screen.
How did that bushbrain get a TV show? He just said nucular again!
by Magill March 22, 2008
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A common social phenomenon- A 20-something male computer geek with a $1,000 mouse and a bad car who still lives rent-free in his mom's house (attic, basement, or childhood bedroom). Although often of high IQ and with a degree, they are commonly underemployed. This condition is rare among females. Social interaction is limited to people who will come over at midnight.
The sociogeek went into culture shock when his mother threw him out and he got his first electric bill. Sociogeeks are not environmentalists because they never go outside.
by Magill March 22, 2008
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noun, verb, adjective and great movie star: 1. graceful, exquisite, suave, and perfect. 2. to act in this manner. 3. Fred Astaire, the best dancer ever (Baryshnikov even said so), who was the epitome of suaveness and elegance combined with superb athleticism and grace. In the Hollywood of the 30's and 40's, he was hugely popular, combining the cool of Bogart with the class of Carey Grant. An actor, drummer, and singer, he had famous song composers vying to write songs for him- one truly cool dude.
1. I tried to astaire it, but failed dismally because I'm a clunk. 2. That astaire had me at hello. 3. Watching Astaire makes me believe in the magic of art.
by Magill April 2, 2008
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Noun: A word coined by writer and journalist H.L. Mencken and still widely used today - see Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert et al.- a combo of the words bourgeoisie and boob, meaning the social class between the aristocracy and the plebes; the Great Middle Class; a "Cross Section of the American Public". In this slang form the divisions are more often mental than monetary .
You belong to the Booboisie if: 1.You believe anything told to you by a politician. 2. you watch Oprah. 3. You have ever googled Britney or Paris. 4. You think the theory of evolution is a fallacy promoted by godless liberals and homosexuals. 5. You wear garments with other peoples names and initials on them (see Louis Vuitton, Vans, Sean John, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfigger, etc.) and think this makes you look cool, when you are actually a walking billboard. 6. You text your picks to "American Idol". 7. You don't think Global Warming is a problem. ...Oh, and so much more..
by Magill March 25, 2008
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1. The inane, quarter-witted, puerile and illiterate speech of Dubya, aka Bush II, which one could call stupid if that weren't an insult to stupid people. This invariably causes flinching, groaning, cursing, and the destruction of remote control devices and even TV sets by poor slobs caught unaware by random broadcasts. 2. Any such speech by others, esp. politicians.
The Dubyadayada from the press conference made me throw my lava lamp through the TV screen and scream "aarrrgh"!
by Magill March 21, 2008
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