3 definitions by Magerk

(noun) ˈrē-färd: an incompetent sports official, usually one afflicted with brain damage or mental doofery
"I can't believe he called goaltender interference!"
"What do you expect from a fucken refard?"
by Magerk October 12, 2018
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A male who is in love with a female friend who does not return the feeling. Due to the one-sided nature of the infatuation, the male will often do favours for the female in the hopes that if he is nice enough to her, she will "see the light" and learn to love him back. This, of course, never EVER occurs.
When Joe confessed his love to Diane, she smiled sweetly, then asked him to look after her puppy for a week while she went off galavanting with her ex-boyfriend. Joe, a puppy boy, thought he was one step closer to being her man. He was wrong.
by Magerk April 28, 2007
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to condescendingly explain vegan or vegetarian theory or values to meat eaters, often using inappropriate or made-up language
"Someone had to die for you to eat that. Enjoy your rotting animal carcass, carnist."
"Don't plantsplain to me, hippy!"
by Magerk July 27, 2018
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