55 definitions by MST3K I like

Not to be confused with the word tufting.

The act of someone finding a job and relocating to Nevada, just to have sex with the legal prostitutes there.
Person 1: What is Jhon up to recently.

Person 2: Last I heard, he was trufting to Nevada.

Person 1: What? That guy must be a perv.
by MST3K I like December 27, 2021
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The official name of the calendar that mental asylum inmates, delusionists, and Qnuts follow instead of the regular calendar. The crazy calendar has the same number of days as the regular calendar, including those of leap year.

However that is the only similarity. The calendar has only 6 months instead of 12, because both the delusionals and Qnuts especially have to short of a memory span to remember the names of 12 months.

Each month has 60 days, with the exception of February which has 65 days. During a leap year, February has 66 days.
1: You know James?
2: You mean that delusional dude, who also supports Q?
1: Yah, he was saying some weird stuff like June 47th.
2: He probably is following the crazy calendar like all the over-insanes follow. Their June 47th is our December 18th.
by MST3K I like April 13, 2022
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Also see : dumbocrat

1. A republican that acts in a very dumb manner.

2. Something that a Democrat would say to a republican that vouches for things that seem to be in the ideals of an Extremist Republican, or what a member of the "Dark Republican Party" would support.

3. Someone that suffers from "Trump Traumatic Stress Disorder".
Person 1: I agree with Trump that we should put illegal immigrant children in cages.

Person 2: Are you dumblican? Because that's what only a dumblican would say.
by MST3K I like November 28, 2020
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Basically a man named Anthony Warner that set off a suicide RV bomb outside of AT&T distribution building in Nashville, Tennessee on 2020 Christmas. The motives are said to be due to him being influenced by false hoaxes regarding 5G, according to the Daily Mail. It is also rumored that he was a red-neck republican.

The attack started of by him shooting gun shots, then telling everyone to evacuate on the RV loud speaker. Then starting a robotic female voice countdown timer, which at the same time played in the background both on the RV loud speaker the 1960's hit soul song by Petula Clark, "Downtown". The RV then exploded.
Due to the actions of the Looney MAGA Bomber, Christmas 2020 will be remembered as a sad day in Nashville, Tennessee.
by MST3K I like December 28, 2021
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The act of or getting tit fucking or breast fucking a Mexican female.
Person 1: Yo! Me and my Mexican gal are going to do some memping tonight.

Person 2: Aww man! My gal does not even tit fuck me. Why do you get everything.
by MST3K I like November 28, 2020
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The only way Trump can win the 2020 election is if he can pack the electoral college to his advantage and win.

The terminology stems from "pack the supreme court" which is basically adding more justices to the supreme court to make the outcome decision in favor to the packer.

In "packing the electoral college" the packer basically packs more electoral college votes into the states that they won to the point where they have the required majority to win the election.
Trump: "We lost all the law suit cases Rudy. Now what? What are we going to do? "
Rudy Giuliani: "We still have one option remaining so that we can still win. "
Trump: "What option is that?"
Rudy Giuliani: "We pack the electoral college with electoral votes in the states we won, until we have the majority to be called the winners."
by MST3K I like November 25, 2020
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