4 definitions by MIchael Reschke (Former U.S. Marine)

Marine Corps jargon for the body part that begins at the wrist and ends at the fingertips. Also known as a hand.
Get your damn dickskinners off of my car! I just spent ten dollars to have it washed.
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this word does not exist because any vehicle collision is not accidental. Vehicle collisions are caused by people who do not pay attention to what the hell they are doing while they are operating a vehicle.
Most incidents happen because of poor judgement. Remember to STOP (meaning to fully come to a halt) at STOP signs and Red lights. If turning right on red, stop, look, then proceed if you are clear to do so.
If you are eating whilst driving, do not bend down to look for a fallen object....please, please, please Pull the fuck over first. I don't need your ass plowing into my rear end and having me jump through hoops for insurance matters.
Don't tailgate ( 3 second following distance)
Roads are not race tracks; weaving in and out of traffic only increase your chances of causing a collision
And don't drink or do drugs before driving....most of you fucking crackheads don't even have insurance
There is no such thing as a traffic accident; there are only stupid people who make stupid judgement calls which turn into collisions, which, in turn pisses off other motorists behind them because they can't get to where the fuck they are going on time.
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The reason why most idiots are on this planet. Without it, we wouldn't need to believe in better places such as Heaven and Cancuun
Premature ejaculation is the most common reason why half the world exists.
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A little-known term used in the U.S military, typically used in the U.S. Marine Corps which stands for Strategically Taking Equipment to Another Location. It is a term used to justify taking something that doesn't really belong to you when questioned by a superior who feels the action is immoral. STEALing most likely oocurs while on deployment to a far away country.
Situation dictates use:
1) A marine STEALing toilet paper from another unit's bathroom (head) in order to meet his unit's hygenical needs= Good
2) A Marine STEALing a DVD player from the (PX) Post Exchange= Shoplifting,which is bad (unless there is an acronym for "SHOPLIFT" which would justify taking something from a place where people normally purchase goods in exchange for money)
Marine to battle buddy: "After that unit over there leaves their tent for duty, I'm going to S.T.E.A.L. a sleeping bag to make up for the one that was taken from me." (Remember, there is only one thief in the Marine Corps; Everyone else is trying to get their shit back)
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