1 definition by M1ke C

What you believe to be the average guy. But beneath this quiet boy, beyond what the eye can see, there lies a hero inside. One that if you get to know, can show you love, make you laugh, and give you a great time that no one else can do. Because make makes sure he does not become one person but is always evolving to connect to the one person he wants to share the moment with. Mike is a friend like no other, always putting himself second. Mike is only great because of the people around him, without those who make him great, he is nothing. He tries his hardest to make You happy. He gets down just like everyone else, but he always must make sure everyone around him is happy first. therefore, he makes a great party favor. A Mike will save the world.
"Mike will listen, I always know he always will".

"Hey invite mike!"
by M1ke C August 23, 2009
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